академічні заходи; платформа конференції; унікальний ідентифікатор; ме- тадані академічних заходів; відкритий доступ; порядок реєстрації.Abstract
The article presents the results of a study of practical approaches to the creation
of an electronic platform of open access to the collection and search of information on academic
events of Ukraine, integrated into the national scientific information system URIS and the
international ConfIDent platform. During the development of the e-platform, a user-oriented
approach was applied, based on which the most complete satisfaction of the requirements for
the e-platform service and information needs of the stakeholders of academic events is achieved.
From this appointment, the target groups of stakeholders are defined - the users of the electronic
platform, among them the organizers of academic events; participants of academic events
(scientists, researchers); management in the field of science of higher education institutions,
scientific institutions, ministries; business representatives, public organizations, grant givers,
sponsors; editors of scientific publications, libraries.
The existing metadata structure of academic events was formed based on the analysis
of annual registers of academic events in Ukraine (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, KNU named after T.G. Shevchenko), 23 newsletters
and conference websites.
Analysis of the business processes (As-is) of the organization and conduct of academic
events showed that the event includes such stages as the decision to hold an academic event
at the level of a scientific institution or institution of higher education, and, if necessary, its
coordination with the main organization (ministry), the National Academy of Sciences, etc.);
announcement of the event in the relevant published registers (consolidated plans) of academic
events; preparation of the academic event, which completes the formation of its website (page)
and the formation of the program of the academic event; conducting an academic event and
publishing materials based on its results.
It was established that, according to business processes (As-is), filling in metadata of
academic events on the e-platform takes place in three stages (To-be business processes):
during registration, after creating a website (page) and after conducting an academic of the
event. Information about academic events during their registration is manually entered into the
electronic platform by event organizers. Regarding the introduction of information about the
academic event after the completion of the preparation stage — the creation of the website of
the event in order to automate the collection of data from the websites of academic events on
an electronic platform, for the implementation of which information about the academic events
must be presented on the websites of the organizers in a machine-readable form.
For the implementation of the results of the development of the e-platform development,
a methodical document «The procedure for registration on the scientific and informational
e-platform of open research information on academic activities of Ukraine» has been prepared.
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