
  • Tetiana Yaroshenko National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy
  • Oleksandra Yaroshenko National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy



Ontological engineering; narrative ontology; IMRAD structure; СIT platform “POLYHEDRON”; scientific data systemization; transdisciplinary methodology


The landscape of scholarly communication is in a state of continuous flux, presenting both challenges and opportunities for researchers, publishers, and institutions. The time-honored journal model of scientific communication, with its «gold standard» of quality control through peer review, is undergoing rapid transformation. This shift is driven by technological advancements, the imperatives of open science and open research, the evolution of digital environments, and the rise of science-focused search engines (Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, Dimensions, BASE, Open Alexa, etc.), along with the increasing use of artificial intelligence tools. This article aims to examine the key shortcomings of the traditional scientific publishing model and the emerging trends that are shaping a new research culture for disseminating and reproducing knowledge within the framework of open access and open science. It also seeks to generalize relevant international experiences and propose their application to the transformation of academic publishing in Ukraine.
The research methodology is grounded in a combination of general scientific methods—such as generalization and analysis, synthesis, and forecasting—and specialized library science methods, enabling the achievement of the stated goals. 

The main findings and conclusions highlight the fundamental trends in modern scientific communication and academic publishing. These include open access and open science, the growing culture of preprints and data-enriched publications, rapid and micro-publications, open
and post-publication peer review, the development of innovative platforms for collaborative research, the shift from journal-centric to article-centric information retrieval models, the impact of artificial intelligence technologies, and the consideration of alternative metrics (in addition
to citations) for measuring research impact. Acknowledging these new trends is crucial for all stakeholders in academic publishing, including researchers, publishers, journal editorial boards, scientific institutions, and libraries.


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2024-11-28 — Updated on 2024-12-02
