Overview of the Use of Persistent Identifiers in Ukraine
постійні ідентифікатори (PID), DOI, ORCID, Crossref, ROR, відкрита наукаAbstract
The article is dedicated to the implementation of Persistent Identifiers (PID) in the ecosystem of research and development in Ukraine. Persistent Identifiers are unique numbers or codes assigned to digital objects, such as research studies, datasets, publications, and more. They allow for the unambiguous identification of these objects and provide the means for referencing them in the digital environment.
The study analyzes Ukrainian information scientific resources regarding the implementation of the PID system and conducts a comparative analysis of the use of PIDs within these resources.
Considering the country’s aspirations for European integration, including the desire to join the European research space, the implementation of the PID system becomes a crucial step toward aligning with European standards and norms. This will enhance the accessibility, standardization, unification, and effective use of digital resources in Ukraine, making its research landscape more competitive and integrated into the international scientific community
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