Measuring and evaluation scientific disciplines impact based on CRIS system data
DOI:Ключові слова:
Science Evaluation, Research projects, Research results, Life sciences Data analysis; Slovak Current Research Information System; SK CRISАнотація
Setting the shares of individual scientific disciplines in the activities and results of science and research in Slovakia is important from the point of view of allocating funds, determining priorities for science at the national level and forming science-related policies. The purpose of the article is primarily to underline that in order to create a comprehensive analysis, high-quality data about research and development at the national level and in the required structure is essential.
The aim of the analysis is to point out the importance of life sciences within the portfolio of science and research in Slovakia. The analysis is based on the methods of bibliometrics and scientometrics. The identification of available data sources was the first step. Then the data usability analysis was carried out. The next step was the selection of suitable indicators based on the best practice worldwide. We analysed not only publishing activity, but also subjects of science and research and project activities.
We worked with data from the Web of Science (WoS) database and the information system on science and research SK CRIS. The analysis of quantitative indicators confirmed the significant representation of life sciences in the science and research portfolio in Slovakia, in all monitored indicators. Such studies as ours one can help identify research trends, can help policy makers and researchers make informed decisions, and can help assess researchers, institutions, as well as performance of countries in scientific production and impact.
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