інновації; інтегральна оцінка, активність, економіка, індикатор, індекс.Abstract
Based on the conducted research and analytical generalizations of existing methodological approaches to assessing the innovation activity of the economy, the absence and the necessity of modern developments that allow to comprehensively assess the level of innovation activity using relevant criteria and indicator systems in accordance with modern conditions of economic development have been identified and proven. Based on this, the methodological basis for assessing the level of innovation activity of the economy is substantiated, which consists of several stages, namely: characterization of factors that have positive and negative impacts on innovation; determination of the integral index; ranking of objects and zoning of the territory according to the level of innovation activity of the economy. The following criteria for the innovation activity of the economy have been identified: innovation infrastructure; human capital; innovation market. Taking into account the existing problems and prospects of innovation development, a list of indicators for criteria and components of innovation activity has been determined. The methodology involves eliminating the differences in dimensions of the parameters by converting them into dimensionless form, which allows calculating the integral index of innovation activity of the economy as the sum of normalized values of the mentioned indicators taking into account the corresponding weighting coefficients.
Based on the results of calculating the integral index of innovation activity of the economy, it is possible to assess the object according to the level of innovation activity according to the proposed classification. In general, the implementation of the proposed methodology for the integrated assessment of the level of innovation activity of the economy makes it possible to
identify the features and trends of innovation activity at various levels of management and governance in order to eliminate contradictions in the form of deviations between the actual and target states of a particular component of the innovation ecosystem or the process of innovation development in the economy.
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