Ontological engineering; narrative ontology; IMRAD structure; СIT platform “POLYHEDRON”; scientific data systemization; transdisciplinary methodologyAbstract
This paper delves into the tools developed on the CIT Polyhedron platform, particularly in the context of scientific applications, with a comprehensive exploration of the consolidation and structuring of informational resources. Central to this is the use of ontological systems, where ontological engineering plays a pivotal role in creating structured knowledge systems that effectively represent and interact with various information resources. The paper particularly emphasizes narrative ontology, a
unique methodology for organizing and assembling information across multiple disciplines, enhancing the richness and coherence of knowledge.
A substantial portion of the study is dedicated to describing how to structure scientific studies using an IMRAD-based ontological structure. This innovative approach aims to facilitate the organization, retrieval, and comprehension of scientific data. The ontology is crafted to encapsulate the essence of scientific papers, covering objectives, methodologies, findings, and discussions. This systematization is especially crucial within a centralized, web-oriented educational framework, ensuring a seamless flow of knowledge and interoperability between different systems.
The paper also presents methods for representing and assessing information from scientific and educational organizations. This is achieved through a general ontology divided into several ontologies to address these organizations’ various aspects and performance indicators. “Polyhedron Researcher”, described in the paper, is a novel platform for systemizing scientific data. This platform is based on the Polyhedron model and focuses on adapting and optimizing the processes of scientific research
and data management. It integrates cognitive services for information analysis and employs interactive documents for data representation. The platform is tailored to support researchers, aiding them in organizing their scientific activities and creating publications. This transdisciplinary approach supports various scientific and research activities and promotes efficient data management and knowledge dissemination in the scientific community.
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