
  • Liliia Nikiforova Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Iryna Dohtieva State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Platonov State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine
  • Anatolіі Shyіan Vinnytsia National Technical University



BPMN-модель, бізнес-процес, державна атестація, НУ та ЗВО, цифровізація.


The article is devoted to the creation of a model (described in BPMN notation) of the procedure for state attestation of Scientific Institutions and Higher Education Institutions, as presented in the draft Order of the Ministry of Education and Science "On state attestation of Scientific Institutions and Higher Education Institutions in terms of their scientific (scientific and technical) activities" in the notation paradigm of paper document circulation (the procedure consists of chains of creation, transmission, reception, processing, use, etc., of official documents manually). The draft Order, published on 18.04.2024 on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science for public discussion, involves the use of the National Electronic Scientific Information System.

The main differences when using the National Electronic Scientific Information System include the reproduction of any procedure in the notation of alienation from official documents of official data and their subsequent placement in the relevant databases of the system; the creation of official documents in the notation of collecting from these databases the necessary official data for the automatic creation of official documents; automatic calculation of any indicators of accounting objects based on official data, etc.

The BPMN model of the procedure effectively distinguishes typical business processes for each type of authorized person, such as representatives of the relevant subjects in the state attestation procedure. Examples include the responsible person of a Scientific Institutions and Higher Education Institutions, the responsible employee of the Ministry of Education and Science, the expert of the Expert group, the expert of the Expert commission, etc. Automating these types of business processes should significantly increase the efficiency, productivity, control, responsibility, and overall effectiveness of the authorized persons and the state attestation procedure.

Fundamental questions for the automation of typical business processes are defined, but the answers to these questions are not typically contained (and usually cannot be contained) in normative legal acts developed based on paper document circulation notations for the state attestation procedure of Scientific Institutions and Higher Education Institutions. If the draft Order is approved, additional regulatory legal acts will be needed for the implementation of the state attestation procedure for Scientific Institutions and Higher Education Institutions using the National Electronic Scientific Information System.


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